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SongSearch™ - Advanced

This advanced search allows you to refine the search criteria by using Operators and multiple searches. The Operator matches the Search By category to the text in the Search For box as follows:

LIKE searches for items that are similar to the text
= searches for an exact match to the text
<= searches for anything less than or equal to the text
>= searches for anything greater than or equal to the text

You can also search using up to two additional search criteria. Choosing AND searches for values that match both (or all three) criteria. Choosing OR searches for values that match any of the search criteria. You can also choose the order in which your results will be sorted. The search is not case sensitive.
AND/ORSearch ByOperatorSearch For
Sort Order   

If you would like the search to return only songs available with a specific product type, please select the product type below.
Any products
MP3 File
Lead Sheet
Fret Sheet
Vocal Score
Instrumental Score

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